The Crate Escape

Jill W.

Level 2 Kennel Attendant

With The Crate Escape since: May 2023

If you were a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be and why?
Cherry Garcia because I know I'm not everyone's favorite but I'm definitely top tier.

What's your favorite activity?

What is your favorite movie quote?
"Just tap it in. Just tap it in. Give it a little tap. Tap tap taparoo." -Happy Gilmore

Bark All About It

My dog Jed has been going to the Crate Escape since he was very young, and now he's six. He absolutely loves it there! He can barely contain his excitement when we pull up in the car! The staff are all very friendly and great with the dogs. I love the fact that there are cameras and I can watch him from afar on the ODoggy app on my phone. I always see the staff interacting with the dogs and know that they are being very observant! The fact that Jed is thrilled to go there tells me a lot! I know that he is being well cared for and I really feel confident that he is in good hands!

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